
When you buy fresh produce that has passed the Flex²B Quality system, you can be sure you are opting for impeccable quality.

Quality Control

When you buy fresh produce that has passed the Flex²B Quality system, you can be sure you are opting for impeccable quality.

Each and every fruit that enters the market meets the strictest quality standards using a waterfall Quality methodology. The Quality System will automatically invoke specific operations. Together with the Priority system and Suspecting System.

Qualification rules are defined independently from origin and variety, as per checking mechanism. Several checking mechanisms are already predefined. (Condition check, Interchecking, Failed checking, Check on Delivery).

  • rots per ie 100 pcs
  • soft per ie 100 pcs
  • storage break down
  • skinning disease
  • ...

and a mathematical formula.

the quality system is intrinsically intertwined with the tracking, tracing, prioritizing and blocking system, allowing the segregation of lower or bad quality fruit.

The suspecting system allows the user to define triggers to certain pallets, bins to be checked on quality in an automated manner, or by a set of predefined triggers. Import utilities for excel exercises exist to facilitate the tailor made suspecting rules.

Quality implements...
Every case of Flex²B Fresh Produce meets the highest possible quality category that can be traced back accurately to the orchard where the fruit was picked.